My aunt pranked me one day when I picked up the phone instead of my mother. I answered the phone and the voice said "Are you ready to play PIXX!" And I was so excited! Then (think of the voice shifting back to sounding like Patty/Selma (my aunt was a heavy smoker)) "It's you Aunt... put your mother on the phone." And my dreams of yelling PIXX in the phone where dashed

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I admire the commitment to comedy that you would prank a kid, but also, you should prank a kid. Can I both respect and think your aunt is a monster at the same time?

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Aug 15Liked by Retroist

Love your podcast by the way. You are a true talent. 👍 great 👍

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Thanks! I really appreciate hearing this.

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Aug 15Liked by Retroist

It's like sweeping the chessboard of its pieces when you know you're about to lose. Losing in total disgrace.

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Aug 15Liked by Retroist

I remember this kid giving up on the PIXX game play and just shouting out obscenities. The game announcer didn't stop him. He might not have heard the kid cursing or had no means to cut him off. I was both shocked and intrigued. Its hard to believe more kids didn't try to get on just to shout obscenities. Still, a cool concept for its time.

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Oh, I wish someone had a recording of that. I wonder if it was planned or if they were so frustrated that they just started cursing. Whatever the case, that kid, if he lived in my town, would have been a hero in my school the next day.

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Aug 15Liked by Retroist

I think because it was happening live, they didn't have a seven second delay button to dump the cursing. I got a kick out of it and thought more of it would happen. Risks of live TV .

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I would have wanted to try to win, but that kid weighed his options and decided that broadcast profanity was more important. That never would have even occurred to me.

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Wow - I totally remember this! Kids would just say, "PIXX, PIXX, PIXX" in rapid-fire mode (probably leaving spittle for the next person in the household to use that handset). The word, "PIXXX" has been emblazoned into my brain for all these decades. Thanks for resurfacing it and for all the cool background info!

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That seemed to be the strategy for many kids, and I can't blame them. The unanticipated delay must have been very frustrating.

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"Pixx! Pixx! Pixx!" The soundtrack of after school growing up on Long Island. Thanks for the memory and the history lesson.

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Sep 4Liked by Retroist

I remember the PIX game. They aired it between cartoons. I figured they had someone pushing the button since the voice didn't always synch with the game. It was kind of like Pong, but dumber ;-p

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Aug 17Liked by Retroist

I remember a friend played a game on a TV "show" by calling in and using his touch tone phone keys to move around. It was a very low res game and didn't look like a home console game. I don't remember an announcer so may have been an automated set up. You had to call repeatedly until you got through.

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I am very curious what this was, do you remember the channel it was on?

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Aug 17Liked by Retroist

This was in Canada and no idea what channel. I only saw this at a friend's house so either it was a channel on his cable package or we didn't have a touch tone at my house yet? I Googled and can't find anything on it. :( I remember distinctly that the graphics were bad even for those days but colorful. Game was top down view (kinda like Nethack perspective and scale) and you moved in 4 directions and you could shoot.

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I am going to keep searching. Already I am learning new stuff with the Danish game "Hugo" which I have never seen before.

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