Where do Peeps Come From?
Did you ever ask, “Mommy, where do Peeps come from?” Did she give you a long answer involving facts on reproduction and scientific diagrams of Peep anatomy. Well, should anyone ever ask you this question, the true answer is simple: Peeps are hatched from foil-covered hollow chocolate eggs…duh. The Retroist was privileged to view such a hatching this Easter day…
Peep mothers are very caring and very smart. They know that if they hatch their eggs in protective cardboard boxes that their offspring will have a better chance of survival. Eggs hatched without boxes tend to fall out of their nests and break.
When it comes time to warm her eggs, the Peep mommy will release her seedling from its protective box, peel back the foil (that is used to confuse predators), and rest herself upon her prize.
Waiting is always the hardest part. Mamma will sit, and sit, and sit. She knows she’s almost finished when the chocolate beneath her marshmallowy tailfeathers begins to melt. When her bum has broken through, creating a small chocolate hole, her labor is complete.
From that point, it’s Baby Peep that goes to work. Baby Peep begins to peck at the small whole at the top of the egg created by its mother. It is not easy to peck through a chocolate shell when your beak is made of marshmallow…Baby Peep must work very diligently.
Baby Peep struggles and struggles, yearning to breath the non-stale-chocolate air, to meet its sugary mommy, and to soar in the Peep filled skies of Easter morn.
Finally to battle of birth is finished. Baby is free. Baby Peep gets comfortable in his nest. He’s overjoyed to begin life, yet cannot help but wonder why he is Yellow, but his Mommy is Pink. The quest for Father Peep begins…