What About that Cassette Tape Episode of the Retroist Podcast?
I was still getting a few straggler emails for the Cassette Tape Episode of the Retroist Podcast contest, so I extended it a little longer. Last week I picked a winner and sent the tape out to two listeners named Jim and Allison. I had so many great stories from people about why they should win, but a few were real standouts, so I put the best ones in a hat and pulled them at random.
I do not want to get into the details of people’s personal stories (those are theirs to tell), but asked permission of the winners and I can say that Jim and Allison used the Retroist Podcast on her iPod when Allison was in labor.
A move I have a hard time understanding, but a very humbling honor to be sure.
Recording this was fun, but I did mess up a bunch of times during recording, which made me need to start over. It was also a bit more scripted than my other episodes. I tried doing it extemporaneously with just some notes, but that was a disaster without the ability to edit.
That said, I wish I had recorded more of these, and maybe will again someday. In the meantime, thanks for all your entries and stories and congratulations to Jim, Allison, and Lilly.