The Retroist T-Shirt Plan
Over the years, I have had a bunch of requests for some sort of Retroist t-shirt. I have been looking into it for just about as long, and I think I am finally going to pull the trigger and get some ordered up. I will not be ordering many, but I would like to get an idea of who might want one and in what size? Here is what I know about the shirt so far (I will finalize it this weekend).
The shirt will be black and unisex
It will have text on it. Simple and retro. The site does not have an icon or mascot. So I will keep true to the site experience. When I have the “design” done, I will post it here.
I will have them printed locally and will ship them out myself to try to keep costs down.
I will take Paypal I guess. Not sure of another widely used method for payment that I have access to.
Wearing them will make you the envy of all the members of your social groups. Expect promotions at work while wearing it and much attention from potential love interests**.
So that is what I got so far. More info next week for those interested. If you have questions, concerns or would like to reserve a shirt you can email me.
** Shirt does not have magical powers, please do not wear it at work or while trying to find love.