The Aquanauts and The Aquanauts Underwater Adventure Game
"Aquanauts," the hour-long series, took viewers on a thrilling underwater journey, following the escapades of two intrepid Southern California divers, Drake Andrews (played by Larsen) and Larry Lahr (played by Slate). These daring individuals carved their livelihoods from the depths, salvaging sunken wrecks and unraveling mysteries beneath the waves.
Despite its compelling premise, "Aquanauts" had a relatively short run, gracing television screens from September 14, 1960, to June 7, 1961. This brevity might explain why it remains relatively obscure. How it found its way into my awareness, I can't quite pinpoint—perhaps through reruns or a fan within the family? The origins of these childhood memories often remain shrouded in mystery.
Recently, my nostalgia was rekindled when I stumbled upon the Aquanauts Underwater Adventure Game at Hake’s Auctions. This remarkable find sent waves of memories surging back. Despite my extensive explorations of flea markets and garage sales over the years, encountering this game in the wild eluded me. What captivated me most was the game's striking cover art—depicting a dramatic shark encounter, a scene far more engaging than your typical board game fare. It was a triumphant moment for board game enthusiasts, reminiscent of the excitement of discovering hidden treasures.
Regrettably, the game is no longer available for purchase, having been removed from the site. Nevertheless, this brief encounter served as a testament to the intriguing finds that await in the depths of online auctions. It's moments like these that fuel my fascination with browsing platforms like Hake’s regularly, ever hopeful for the next exciting discovery.
According to Hakes:
9×17.5×2″ deep boxed game made by Tranosgram Gold Medal Toys And Games © 1961 ZIV-United Artists Inc. to compete w/Sea Hunt game. Box lid features art similar to #3142 but done in a different art style and includes a photo of Drake Andrews. The game is complete w/instructions. Game board has a 5-7/8″ square sticker on the reverse depicting a segment of the scene on the box lid. Insert has been punched and has some tears due to token removal. Characters’ pieces have some wear where they are inserted into bases. Contents are VF. Box lid has one split corner, edge wear, VF. 1-3/8×1.25″ Christmas sticker. Scarce.