Taco Flavored Doritos in Retro Packaging
It has been a long two weeks of searching, but I finally managed to get my mitts on the resurgent Taco-flavored Doritos in their very cool retro packaging. I must not be the only one excited about the taco flavored resurrection, because the flavor was almost gone (I bought the last two bags). They look great and taste amazing. Just like a taco flavored chip should taste.
I know a lot of people are happy to see these return full time, I am one of those people, I just wish they kept this great retro packaging (and made the other Doritos look the same). Here are some snack pics for those who have not yet beheld these tasty retro sheathed treats.
Some things I learned while questing for these chips:
The guys who drive the trucks might not know what is going on in a neighboring territory.
You can still find Pepsi Throwback and Quisp in many stores.
Doritos are awesome!
All the people who offered to send me a bag are even more awesome!