As a kid, anything with sugar in it was alright with me. So I took to juice boxes and Capri Suns like a fish to water. Just hand me a tiny straw and container with some sweet fluid in it and I would attack it with gusto. This meant that when given the opportunity, I would pick up the newest flavors when they hit stores. Usually that was followed with discussions with my friends about which were our favorites. This was not the case with Sip Ups.
Sip Ups were flavored milk drink boxes. They made a splash with a wonderful commercial but lasted barely a year. I got to try their Chocolate and Strawberry flavor and thought they were pretty good. Telling this to my friends, they all asked their parents for them. When they got their own Sip Ups, they did not have the same positive experience. They hated them. In my town, I was the only one who seemed to enjoy them. Not sure why that was. Perhaps my palate, is just not discerning enough?
I must have drank a few dozen Sip Ups during their run. We especially loaded up on them when they were being discontinued. Not making the association between the low price and their failure, I would look for them for months after it was obvious that they were gone to everyone else. Now, as I mentioned, I had the chocolate and strawberry Sip Ups, but I could have sworn they also had vanilla and blueberry. This is probably some sort of phantom memory caused by some other product mix-ups, because I cannot find any proof of those flavors online.
Unlike other retro products, I doubt we will ever see Sip Ups again. Even though that is the case, we do have an amazing commercial with a catchy jingle, to keep their memory alive. It is basically just a group of kids musically yelling, “Where doing Sip Ups,” over and over again, but it works.
This earworm has been stuck in my head since the mid-eighties, and every time I hit play it comes roaring back. While you might be transfixed by the music, also pay attention to the choreography. The best part is this kid in the front in the purple jacket. I feel like this is take 100 for the day, and he is so over being in this commercial.
I remember it was like the early 1970s. There was a little drink pouch. It was like a clear, baggy type style pouch. It was thin, and then something wrapped around it label, and then attached to the label was this plastic that you had to poke through and it was called sip it Does anybody remember them? I used to get them at mom’s bakery in Chicago. I think I only got it for a couple of pennies I I used to get them at moms bakery in Chicago. I think I only got it for a couple of pennies. I Would get a eclair long John with it it be $.11 and that would be my breakfast and I’d eat it on the way to school