In the world of 1980s sitcoms, "Very Special Episodes" were a common occurrence, offering a departure from the usual lighthearted fare to address serious issues. Even the beloved show Mr. Belvedere embraced this trend. In Season 4, Episode 9, titled "The Counselor," young Wesley heads off to Summer Camp, only to face a disturbing encounter with an assistant camp counselor named Perry.
The episode tackles a sensitive topic: inappropriate behavior by Perry towards Wesley. Amidst this serious plotline, the show curiously inserts an unrelated and somewhat awkward subplot involving Mr. Belvedere's golfing invitation from George.
Despite the odd diversion, the episode confronts the issue head-on. Wesley, the brave protagonist, takes a stand and reports Perry's behavior. The family, initially worried about the potential impact on Wesley, eventually finds relief when he returns to his mischievous self, playing pranks like putting glue in his sister Heather’s curlers.
The promotional clip captures Wesley's courageous moment, standing up against Perry and highlighting the show's effort to address a difficult subject matter within the framework of a family sitcom.
Here is a promo that shows Wesley’s brave moment when he confronts Perry.
This is one of the only episodes that does not end with Mr. Belvedere writing in his journal at the end. Instead, it ends with Brice Beckham and Christopher Hewett advising youngsters to watch out for child molesters and teaches them what to do if they encounter one.
It’s now 2024 & I’m just watching this for the 1st time. Good for all of you for putting this in an episode! This is a horrible thing & kids should know about this.