Mr. Do! like you have never seen him before
As I have mentioned on the site before, I am a big fan of Mr. Do! I even did a podcast about this game, which I love so much. When I mention a game or suggest people play it, I like to think that maybe I am reaching people and convincing them to at least check it out. Occasionally I will even hear from people who have given it a try. It always makes me happy and is everything I hope will happen when I put something here on the site.
Sometimes, though, something special happens that rewards me beyond my expectations.
A few weeks ago, I got an email from a talented artist who we have featured on the site before, j(ay). j(ay) had something he wanted to send to me and its arrival has put a huge smile on my face.
It is Mr. Do with a whole lot of attitude…
That is one tough looking clown and a sketch card that has a date with a frame and my wall. As a bonus, j(ay) included…
If you drop by j(ay)’s page on DeviantArt you will see these pieces (the originals are on my desk) and so many more wonderful works, including sketch cards for Marvel, The Wizard of Oz, Wicker Man and more. They are all amazing.
Thanks j(ay), you made my month and have contributed to the small, but rabid Mr. Do fanbase.