A Merry Retro Christmas 2017
Christmas Eve and it is not quite midnight. So I have time to write this post before Santa should show up. Although, I spent a lot of my time in my youth waiting up till after midnight and could never catch him.
For a guy in an XXXL red suit, he is remarkably crafty.
The tree is still lit and all the presents are wrapped. So this is a nice time to sit and reflect on the holiday season and to compare it to my holidays past.
What I notice is that while some things have changed about Christmas. One thing has not. I still fall into the camp that prefers Christmas Eve to Christmas Day. My Christmas Eves are quiet and still. It is all potential.
Every gift still sits ungiven. I have no idea how it will be received. Tomorrow’s meal? It is just a delicious fantasy. I am sure all of these things will all be as wonderful as I hope they will be, but right now, they are all perfect and dreamy.
This moment, before “the show” starts tomorrow, are my favorite moments of the season, and they always have been
When I was a kid, I would sneak down to the tree and lay next to it. Staring at the packages under the lights, I would dream about what was inside. Was it a new GI Joe? Socks? Only the elusive Santa or my parents knew.
Now, I know what is under that tree. I am just waiting to see it all opened and hope that it makes the receiver happy. So I lounge on the couch fantasizing about that, dreaming of perfect Christmases, and swimming in the spirit of a holiday season that is almost over.
It is not a moment I would trade for even the most perfect item on my wishlist. This quiet time is the perfect present.
So I hope everyone out there is enjoying themselves and I hope you are taking time to appreciate what makes you happy. Whatever that may be.
Merry Christmas.