Let’s Play some Nerf Pool!
Recently, while browsing through the Retroist forums, a member named Drahken brought up a game called Nerf Pool, and let me tell you, it took me on a trip down memory lane. It's been ages since I thought about that game! Back in the day, my cousin had a set, and we used to have a blast playing it in his basement. We'd set up the game on a table next to this huge wood-burning stove that kept the room all cozy and warm.
Now, Nerf Pool was an intriguing concept, but mastering it was a different story altogether. You see, it demanded a level of control that we, in all honesty, didn't possess. Time and time again, those balls would go flying over the flimsy guides, bouncing off walls, and creating utter chaos in the room.
Of course, that was all part of the fun, but there was a slight issue - the balls had a knack for landing dangerously close to the aforementioned giant stove. And guess what? Without fail, I would manage to touch that hot stove accidentally and burn myself. It didn't matter how cautious I was, my hands, arms, shoulder - and I kid you not, even my neck got magnetically attracted to that thing at some point!
Now, you'd think we would've learned our lesson and developed some discipline, but nope, not us! We just couldn't resist hammering those balls and sending them soaring across the room. The chaos was our playground, and strangely enough, the lurking danger of the stove seemed to add an extra dose of excitement to what might have been a rather mundane game.
Actually, thinking back, I'm starting to see a pattern here with the games we played with my cousin. Let me tell you about Lawn Darts - oh boy, it was utter MADNESS! But hey, at least it didn't involve any fiery stoves - small victories, right? Nonetheless, we lived for those adrenaline-pumping moments, and looking back, I can't help but chuckle at the wild and carefree times we had together.