What to do with leftover Halloween candy? Freeze It!
If you are like me, you enjoy buying a ridiculous amount of Halloween candy, even though you know that geography and court orders will pretty much keep away most Trick or Treaters. So what do you do with all this leftover Halloween candy? Freeze it, of course!! They have been doing this since freezers were iceboxes and iceboxes were cold holes in the floor.
So take advantage of all that promise of the future and freeze that candy! Especially those Reeseās Peanut Butter Cups.
When I was a kid, we did this all the time. Especially after Halloween. We would head down the discount leftover Halloween candy aisle and grab as many bags as we could get. I think the money limit my Mom put on this craziness was something like ten bucks.
Then we would head home with our cheaply gotten gains and divvy up the loot. When we got home, each of us received a freezer bag. Filling it with our candy, we would place them in the freezer with the promise that we would eat only one piece of candy per day.
That was, of course, a lie. We grabbed candy frequently, and often in collusion with my Mother. She suffered from that wonderful Mom-guilt that made it okay for us to grab a piece of candy out of our bags as long as we were her partners in crime on it.