Get the Full Pac-Man Experience on the Atari 2600 with Pac-Man 4K
I logged a lot of time on the Atari 2600 version of Pac-Man. Yes, it was lackluster. Yes, it felt rushed, but it was Pac-Man! Pac-Man that I did not have to put quarters into! While I am a staunch defender of that version of Pac-Man for the joy it gave me. I have completely abandoned that version for Pac-Man 4K!
Programmed by Dennis Debro, who sought to create an adaptation of Pac-Man more faithful than Atari’s 1982 version for the VCS, the game does a great job while still only using the 4K memory limit as the original. It is a wonder to behold…
Some of the features that Debro managed to put into this version that were lacking in the original include:
Original, arcade maze layout
Proper “siren” sound that changes pitch
Monsters are proper colors
Maze is correct colors
Pac-Man and Ghost graphics much truer to arcade
Monster behavior modeled after arcade
Bonus items true to arcade
It really is amazing, and what is more amazing is that you can pick it up in cartridge form from Atari Age for only 25 bucks! That is significantly less than what I paid for the original back in 1982. Order soon and you will get a limited edition Pac-Man 4K magnet with your purchase.