Enjoy this Christmas Edition of the “We Come in Peace” Desktop Wallpaper
A few years ago, when I used to post a lot more desktop wallpapers, I made a wallpaper that has since become very popular. It is a very simple wallpaper, with some very familiar pixelated space monster in bright colors. The message in the wallpaper is simple, “We Come in Peace.”
This wallpaper has been downloaded tens of thousands of times since I first uploaded it, and has been iterated upon by more talented people than me. I have even seen it used in online advertising and on the desktops at people’s at coffee shops. Overall, it has been a pretty satisfying bit of silliness to unleash upon the world.
A few months ago a friend of the site, Brian Biddle sent me an updated version of the wallpaper (a 2.0 if you will), that I have been using. It takes the original concept and gives it just the upgrade it needed to make it “retro contemporary”. It is now all I use on every screen that I own.
I had no reason to change from that wallpaper until last night, when I was gifted with a very special addition to my wallpaper collection (and the ever-growing “We Come in Peace” family). A brand-new CHRISTMAS edition. In this new version, not only are these classic space monsters descending upon the Earth to bring peace, but they are decked out in their Xmas best and have a message of holiday cheer. I hope you will add this to your desktop for the duration of the holiday season and that it will make you smile and feel festive throughout the month.