DIY Tomy Omnibot Version 1
I am on a real DIY kick. Not that I am actually doing anything, but instead I am on a real DIY reading kick. What can I say, I like to dream of things I cannot possibly accomplish.
I have always wanted a robot, and while some slightly advanced robots are starting to show up on the market, they lack the styling that I look for in a robot.
That is why this DIY Tomy Omnibot by EZ-Robot is right up my alley. It makes me look forward to reading about Version 2 and one day going on a road trip with my own robot buddy.
To start with they bought an original Omnibot, cleaned it up, painted it and then started adding all sort of fun new functionality that includes:
Voice recognition
Visual recognition, color tracking, motion tracking, and object tracking
Voice synthesis
Remote control
DC Motor Load Detection (Prevents getting stuck from objects he can’t see)
Autonomous Mode
Floor Sensors for stairs
Sweeping Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Since originally writing this post. EZ-Robot has changed their site dramatically, but their videos are still on YouTube and they eventually do work on enhanced versions of the Omnibot.
This all culminates in the turning of a an Omnibot 2000 into a modern Robot Companion complete with vision tracking, color tracking, motion tracking, face tracking, glyph tracking, speech recognition, Wii Remote control, and many many more features.