Decorate your Own Peep Eggs
Why decorate old chicken eggs when you can decorate the eggs of the future? Marshmallow Peep Eggs!
Join me, will you, as I try out the new super cool Peep Decorating Kits.
Looks pretty good, huh? You can decorate your eggs with all the colors of the rainbow. As long as that color is yellow.
Even though the illustrations on the package are colorful, the decorating goo that comes with the kit is only electric yellow. One color and 6 blank pallets, to express ourselves, am I up to the challenge? Oh, yeah.
Sadly, this is the high point of my creative ability? Don’t blame the artist, blame the yellow slime.
The stuff is horrible to work with, and it tastes…Weird? To make my life easier, I just took all the goop and put it on one egg.
Dare I eat it? Oh, yeah!
Well, I just got back from the hospital. They removed a quart of this yellow gel from my stomach, I am feeling much better. All in all, not the most satisfying Easter experience, but hey it Peeps, so it’s all good.