Broken Badges
"Broken Badges," a police drama crafted by Stephen J. Cannell (co-creator), made its debut on CBS during a brief stint from November 24 to December 22, 1990. A fleeting return occurred in June of 1991. The series revolved around a trio of police officers deemed misfits—J.J. 'Bullet' Tingreedes, a thrill-seeker drawn to danger; Stanley 'Whipusall' Jones, a man with a penchant for violence and a Napoleon complex; and Toby Baker, a kleptomaniac.
United by a shared journey through psychological leave, they chose not to succumb to despair but to forge an unorthodox alliance. Together, they embarked on a mission to combat crime, aided by the guidance of former New Orleans police officer Beau Jack Bowman and police psychiatrist Priscilla Mather.
While I personally tuned in and found enjoyment in the show's distinctive premise, it's my firm belief that had "Broken Badges" graced our screens during the earlier years of the 1980s, it might have found firmer footing and earned several seasons of audience loyalty. Regrettably, as the 1990s dawned, evolving TV preferences were marked by a shift, hindering the embrace of this partly whimsical concept presented within a dramatic context.
For those intrigued or seeking a glimpse into the show, I'd recommend exploring the budget-friendly offering "Prime Time Crime: The Stephen J. Cannell Collection." This curated collection serves as a portal to revisit or explore this notable creation by a revered figure in television production.