Been a While Since A Chocodile
I grew up on the East Coast, in the great state of New Jersey, and besides having a top-notch parkway we also have a great selection of snack cakes. We had it all — Tasty Cakes, Little Debbie, Drakes and of course Hostess. All of them were at my grubby little fingertips. Yet when a decision had to be made at the corner store, I always chose The Chocodile.
As you get older, your taste buds mature. Now I all but abandoned Chocodiles for more salty snacks, like Doritos (or the less zesty and cheaper Bravos) and of course Keebler Tato Skins, but occasionally I would still take a ride on the Chocolate Gator. Now that it’s been a while since a Chocodile, I am ready to again for the Twinkie with the Ring Ding skin.
I live on the West Coast now and have never seen a Chocodile out here. I went to the Safeway and no Chocodiles. I went to every supermarket within a 10-mile radius. Nothing. Although I did find some interesting mexi-treats, but that’s another story. I turned to my old friend, the Internet. Surely I could purchase Chocodiles online since they can’t be more delicate than the glass egg of the cookie world, the Mallomar, which is available online.
I went to first since they have a food store thing. Nothing. Hometown Favorites. Nothing. Web search after web search. Nothing except people wondering. Where is the Chocodile?
Planet Twinkie doesn’t even mention the Chocodile. Although I really want to order the Hostess Snack Oven. I sent an email to the folks at the site. After 4 days, I got a one-line email response. “You can get Chocodile info through Interstate Brands Companies”. The IBC website has no info on Chocodiles. I am sad and confused.
Oddly enough, according to their Frequently Asked Questions:
“There are no frequently asked questions available.”
How can that be!!
Sad, confused and determined to find the mysterious Chocodile. My next stop will be the Hostess Outlet store.