Be healthy and start all your days with Margarine
I love butter. I always have, and I always will, but it was difficult when I was young because growing up in my house, margarine was king. My Grandmother just preferred the stuff and since she was at our place all the time, we would always buy it to put on toast and English muffins. It would drive me up a wall.
Here we would have a giant brick of delicious butter just sitting in the fridge, but when I want to break off a piece, I would get chastised. “Use the margarine. It is healthier and easier to spread.”
I would stomp back to the breakfast table and smear a tiny bit of this faux butter onto my dry toasted wonder bread and dream of a day when I could eat all the butter I wanted.
In my adult life, I have never bought margarine. Yes, I am finally free of its terrible yoke and I hardly feel bitter about it anymore (maybe just a little). Now, when I see commercials like this for “Promise” margarine, it makes me think of my Grandmother and how her irrational love of this butter impostor just made her seem more quirky and lovable.
Damn you margarine for making me smile!