Battle of the Bullies a.k.a. Revenge of the Nerd (1983)
Battle of the Bullies a.k.a. Revenge of the Nerd is near and dear to my heart. I watched this one a number of times in 1983. Incidentally, it is considered one of the better known CBS Afternoon Playhouse specials.
It is a film about Bertram, a nerdy kid who gets picked on by the cooler high school kids. But you wait! Good old Bert gets his revenge in the end; he even sorta gets the girl. I’ll leave the description at that, as his “revenge” is something every young budding nerd would have considered brilliant.
I felt the need to post this one as I was the spitting image of poor Bertram back in 1983. So for me, it’s a little like visiting my awkward self during those tumultuous early teen years.
The original title for the special was: Revenge of the Nerd, later renamed Battle of the Bullies because of a slightly more popular film, Revenge of the Nerds was released a year later.
This is for every wall-flower, nerdy kid just trying to make friends and maybe capture the attention of a lovely girl that never gave him the time of day. If that is you, this special is for you.