The Name of the Game is Ball Buster. No Really!
Back in the vibrant era of the eighties, a peculiar assortment of springs and plastic balls often caught my attention within a shoe-box nestled in our basement. At the time, their origin was shrouded in mystery, leaving me clueless about their purpose. Nonetheless, I derived immense joy from ingeniously repurposing these enigmatic components as accessories for my Star Wars and GI Joe action figures. It was a time of playful creativity.
Eventually, the veil of secrecy lifted, revealing that these once-confounding fragments were integral to the iconic MEGO creation, Ball Buster. This particular game stood as a rare departure for MEGO into the realm of board gaming, making it all the more intriguing.
Curiously, the revelation didn't stem from familial anecdotes or shared knowledge within the household. Oddly enough, nobody among my family members laid claim to recognizing this game or its components. The source of enlightenment emerged quite unexpectedly when fate led me to stumble upon a captivating commercial for this very product. The serendipitous encounter occurred during one of my visits to a Flea Market in the nineties, where I procured a VHS tape.
Upon watching the commercial for the first time, I recall being utterly transfixed, my mouth slightly agape as I absorbed the content. It felt almost surreal, as if I were witnessing a clever parody. The commercial possessed an undeniable charm, building up to a crescendo that left me grinning. Although the entire advertisement held its own appeal, the true gem lay in the closing exchange between the parents – a punchline that offered a gratifying payoff.
Watch the amazing commercial for Ball Buster
In 2006, I had the opportunity to play Ball Buster and I have to say, it ain’t a bad game. With a few tweaks to the layout and maybe a ball sizing system, I think it could be a real good time, or should I say, a ball.