1984 Pay N Save Coupon Book
In 1984, like in many years for it and after, Pay N Save sent out coupon books. I am sure many people used them, but an equal number threw them in the garbage. Luckily, some people squirreled them away. That way 33 years later, I could scan this 1984 Pay-N-Save Coupon Book and share it with everyone.
Not familiar with Pay n Save? Neither was I. Founded in 1940, Pay N Save was based out of Seattle, WA and had locations and all across the Western United States. Sadly, they just couldn’t stay afloat and went under way back in 1992. This was just a couple of years before my first visit to the area. So I never got to enjoy the store firsthand.
All I can do is enjoy the store secondhand from people who went there and what I can find online. In fact, pp until this coupon book was handed to me by a friend, I had very little knowledge of the store. Now, a year later, I have a place in my heart for this regional chain. This affection is almost purely derived from ephemera and online reading.
While it might seem a bit silly to feel a pull to a chain of stores you never visited. And lament their closure. I do so because I can relate to its loss. Many small chains in the northeast, where I grew up, have gone the way of the dinosaurs with very little outcry. Especially the bargain stores.
These were the places my family often went to enjoy. Place we could afford to participate in consumerism. I could spend hours strolling through their aisles looking for affordable treasures.
And when a coupon book or circular got into my hands, I would pour through it. Marking items, especially toys, and trying to talk my Mother into promising to buy something for me.
So, if you were a Pay N Save patron, just a fan of these stores, or want to see what prices in the Puget Sound Area looked like in 1984, here is a full scan of the 1984 Pay N Save Coupon Book.
1984 Pay N Save Coupon Book